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Past life case
Mrs khanna visits me to know the answer to why so much struggle in life when i have everything in life? She is facing some issues with her two beautiful grownup children.
The session
As we started the session she went into the trans easily and started narrating :I am feeling water under my feet, bare feet, wearing white kurta pajama, fair complexion, 25 years of age. It makes clear that she was a male in her life time and the year was 1583.
She saw a big  house with a small wooden gate. As she stepped inside she saw a big baramda  and the rooms. In the courtyard there is an old lady sitting on charpayi. She was her grandmother. Grandmother called her soham.
The room was very beautiful. She was wearing white saree and sitting in an authoritative position with soham. There was a picture of lord shiva on the wall.
Now soham moved to the kitchen and saw that a man was cooking something.बड़े बड़े पीतल के बर्तन है.Soham’s mother is also there. Looking at him with love. Father is sitting on the chair in a room. (आराम कुर्सी). He was an educated person. Soham had no siblings. The house was in the center of fields. There were a few men who were also doing work.
In next flash Soham was at home. Father died and there was complete slience(सन्नाटा ). His mother and dadi was so quiet.
Moving forward soham was working. People were around him and doing some work( कुछ हिसाब किताब कर रहे है ).
Soham revealed that he was married and the girl was very sweet and chubby( recognised her presemt life time daughter). She was very naughty but i was very silent. We had 3 children. One boy and two daughters. (She recognised her daughters as present life time daughter and niece)
In next scence soham saw her self in a old kothari. He saw his son hanged himself and died. He was 16 or 17 years of age. I scolded him a lot and also bitten him.
I am now crying and feeling guilt. My wife was angry with me. They have a ritual to put body in river so they did that.
In next flash he saw himself alone in room. He told that now my wife didn’t talk with me much.
I am an old man now. I don’t deserve happiness, because of me my son lost his life. I don’t deserve a good life. (Last thoughts of soham)
Death scene
Sitting alone and i left my body with ease. (बस सांस हीं नहीं आई ).
Life scan
It was a very sad lifetime.( जीवनसाथी का सुख नहीं मिला, बच्चों की खुशिया नहीं मिली )
In higher level
She saw her guru maharaj ji as her spirit guide and received blessings. When it was told to her to ask about anyother question if she wants to ask from guru maharaj ji. She said, I don’t want to ask anything. I got all the answers.

So this was a session where she was a little visual but very much thougtful. The reason she came to know why she is suffering in life due to her children is revealed to her and the understanding came to her that she has to be deal with her children with love and affection. All the guilt and sadness has been released.

After 2 days of session
When i took a followup call

This was her words
Yes.. I’m definitely calmer around them..been making a conscious effort to understand their point of view.
Om namah shivaye