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Tuning into the Past Present and Future

In this insightful podcast episode, we delve deep into various intriguing and transformative spiritual topics. Join us as we explore the common problems encountered in a healing journey and practical ways to overcome them. Discover what happens during a past life regression session and the potential insights it can provide. Finally, we uncover the mysteries…

Past Life case study – online session

Mrs kiran came for a past life regression where she wants to explore the reason why she never feels comfortable with her husband to intimate with him. She said that she never has a desire for that and she always stays in denial mode and because of that they don’t have a very good relationship.

Past Life case – online session

Mrs mehta was very anxious when she came to me. She discussed with me how their business was getting down and they started facing financial crises, how every one in the family started getting sick,how they started having fights at home and how they all started having a severe hair fall that their daughter is…

Past Life case

Mrs khanna visits me to know the answer to why so much struggle in life when i have everything in life? She is facing some issues with her two beautiful grownup children.

Mediumship workshop memories

Mediumship workshop My first workshop on mediumship went well🧿🕉️by the grace of lord shiva.To conduct mediumship workshop is itself a amazing start.I got a message during last navratri to conduct it.The message was so strong and one participant is so keen to learn it from me.I felt as all is planned.It was a 10 days…

Pearl represents protection

In the spiritual world, a pearl represents protection. Anytime you find pearls, take them as a sign of safety and reassurance. Today an amazing message came.where the pearl represents soul and oyster represents the body. Need to protect the soul from creating negative karmas and when one creates a positive karma, move one step ahead…

Kasar Devi a geomagnetic pull

Kasar Devi has a geomagnetic pull. Whether it is for the religious beliefs, the hippie culture, the amazing view of the Himalayas. Kasar Devi is endowed with a cosmic energy similar to that of Stonehenge in the UK and Machu Picchu in Peru. Known for its rich history, this temple has been host to many…

Power of Silence

Silence is a gate way of turning inward to quieten our mind. Being silent allows us to channel our energies. It gives us the clarity. we need to calmly face challenges and uncertainty. I came across a few people who wanted to go through the past lifetime but there is so much chaos in their…

Wisdom Does not come from knowing anything

Lotus Flower is one of the most popular symbols in Hindu religion. It is believed that Lord Brahma emerged from the navel of Lord Vishnu sitting on a lotus. Goddess Saraswati, the Hindu Goddess of learning, is shown sitting on a lotus. Lotus flower is a symbol of eternity, plenty and good fortune and Goddess…

Are you stuck in the loop of life?

Are you stuck in the loop of life? Most people have this feeling that they have been stuck in the loop of life in one way or other.In relationships,in work place,in various kinds of responsibilities.This all happened due to our own attachments,expectations,non acceptance towards the people or things.Sometimes our own reactions will also bring us…

Be your own guru first

By connecting to your inner teacher, you can be your own guru first and foremost, and even if you choose to follow a guru, teacher or master, you always have yourself to check in with along the way to see if you’re in agreement with their teaching or comfortable with the experience.

Truth in human experience

Buddha said “Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.” In truth, there is no separation. We are not separate from God; we are of God. God is in and of all. God is absolute (spiritual) truth. Our intellect allows us to believe we are separate; in fact, we choose…
Experience the bliss of God

Experience the bliss of God

On the path of spirituality when deep meditations are happening, divine bliss is there. One get spiritual gifts on this path. Don’t get trapped into ego because of that bliss. Use that to serve humanity. That is the true service. Behave like a child in the presence of divine and accept whatever is given to…

Love of god

Love of god “The way you make love is the way God will be with you.” Rumi God does not force Himself on anyone. Those who come to Him do so in response to His love. In love, God shows kindness to all. 

Surrender to almighty God

Meditation is the key to receive messages Do you know that universe is always talking to us? Are you aware of that? Are you hearing it? Lets understand a few steps to learn how to recognize signs from the universe. Do you ever feel that universe is giving messages but you are unable to understand…

Meditation is the key to receive messages.

Meditation is the key to receive messages Do you know that universe is always talking to us? Are you aware of that? Are you hearing it? Lets understand a few steps to learn how to recognize signs from the universe. Do you ever feel that universe is giving messages but you are unable to understand…

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